
On 17 December, 2019 the German-Ukrainian Cooperation in the field of Organic Agriculture (COA) in collaboration with the organic shop biologic.tv organized a Practical Training on Organic Labelling Issues for Staff of The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture of Ukraine and the State Service for Food Safety and Consumer Protection.

On 4-5 December, 2019 the German-Ukrainian Cooperation in the field of Organic Agriculture (COA) conducted the Training in the National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine „Implementation of Organic Law 2496-VIII: Guidance on the Application of ISO/IEC 17065 to Organic Control Bodies”.

On 26-29.10.2019 the Biodynamics Association Ukraine and Farm Shiva Semlja Potutory with the support of the German-Ukrainian Cooperation in the Field of Organic Agriculture (COA), conducted the Spring course on biodynamic preparations “Preparations Days”.  The "Organic Ukraine" has also helped with the organization and advertising.

From 20 to 24 October 2019, the German-Ukrainian Cooperation in the field of Organic Agriculture (COA) organized a study tour for staff of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (MAPE) and sub-ordinated authorities. The main topic was the German experience of implementation of the EU organic legislation, specifically the set-up and surveillance of control bodies.

On 12-15 October, 2019 the "School of Biodynamics of Ukraine" und GS "Permaculture in Ukraine", with the support of the German-Ukrainian Cooperation in the Field of Organic Agriculture (COA), conducted the Farmer Training Course "Organic Vegetable Production".

Following the implementation of the Organic Law in Ukraine, the COA-Project organizes a study tour to Germany for representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry of Agriculture and the State Service on Food Safety and Consumer Protection. 

With its favorable conditions for organic agriculture, Ukraine has become an important supplier of organic products for Western markets in the last few years.

In 2018, the EU imported a total of 3,3 million tonnes of organic agri-food produce, of which 57% was in the form of commodities and 35% as other primary products. 

Organic Round Table joined ministerial and retail stakeholders for improving the mechanisms for labelling and trade of organic products on July 19, 2019 in Kyiv.

On June 25, 2019 the project “German-Ukrainian cooperation in organic agriculture” (COA) took part at the informational evening “Export of organic products from Ukraine to the EU”.

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