Shortly after the outbreak of war on 02/24/22, the COA project initiated a fundraising campaign with the Future Foundation for Agriculture to provide the necessary support for the organic farms, which continue to farm under difficult conditions and produce organic food.
Since then, funds totaling €82,500 have been distributed to 26 Ukrainian organic farms. And a total of €225,000 in donations (as of May 18, 2022) were received.
Among the companies that took part in the campaign is the Münster-based organic wholemeal bakery cibaria, which has collected donations for the Ukraine over the past few weeks with a Solibrot (Solidarity Bread). Additional donations were collected through free tours of the bakery, which will now benefit the organic farms in the Ukraine.
Backbord, an organic bakery in the Ruhr area, also supports Emergency Aid Ukraine Organic Farming with a great donation. Further donations came from the frischeKiste from Syke, the BioHöfe Foundation and the Elbers Hof. The donation from the Chances for Children Foundation were made possible through the performance fee of the B.A.U.M. Fair Future Fonds.
Source: Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft