On Feb 9 and 10, the project „German-Ukrainian cooperation in organic agriculture“ (COA) implemented a virtual study tour. The training was specifically designed for representatives of the competent authorities who are in charge of controlling organic operators and of monitoring the work of the inspectors in Ukraine. The intensive and varied event included a balanced mix of presentations, videos and time for questions and answers. It was designed to show similarities as well as to point out differences between the Ukrainian system and the one in the EU / Germany. The COA team leader Dr. Stefan Dreesmann, who used to lead a competent authority with controlling tasks related to the organic sector, was supported by the international experts Elisabeth Rüegg and Dirk Scholz.
The trainings were well perceived by the Ukrainian partners. Lyudmilla Khomichak, Head of the Main Department for excisable products and organic production, Ministry of Economy of Ukraine, and Olga Semenchuk, Head of the Department of food safety, feed and control in the sphere of organic production, State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, opened the event and made summary comments at the closure. Overall, far more than 100 participants who represented the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine joined and sticked with it during the entire time, posing and discussing versed high-level technical questions; this underlined the significance for the sector. After the two days, the participants were well informed about the general question „What does a state representative have to know, do and consider when controlling organic operators and inspectors?“.
The study tour is embedded in a series of measures to support the Ukrainian organic legislative framework and its implementation since 2016. The project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).
Source: COA/AFC